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Watch our free webinar "Keeping Calm: techniques for managing difficult feelings"

The last few weeks have been difficult for many people as we collectively deal with CoViD-19 and the implications for each of us.

With this in mind, I wanted to offer some extra support and education for anyone who needs it. Along with my therapy dog, Baxter, I hosted a webinar explaining the basics of how mental distress impacts our physical health, and how to support ourselves during difficult times. I discuss the Stress Response (also known as Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn) and show you several techniques that you can use to manage feelings such as worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, agitation and distress.

These practical ideas can be used immediately, don't need fancy props or equipment, and can be done almost anywhere. You can experiment with the different ideas to find a few things that will work for you.

I hope this webinar is useful and you are able to practice along with me. If you have any questions, you can get in touch via email by clicking here or by calling us on 02 9056 3394. You can also follow us on Facebook here and Instagram here for more resources, including short videos of mindfulness and distress management techniques.

If you require extra support, all of our therapists offer telehealth counselling - please get in touch for a free 15-minute consultation to discuss how we can help you.

Until next time,


Clinical Director, Sydney Addictions Recovery


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