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Blog & News

Relapse Prevention Strategies: Staying Sober in Sydney’s Social Scene
Navigating social scenes can be one of the most challenging aspects of recovery from addiction, especially when you're living in a big...

Are You Sober Curious? | Exploring a Life with Less Alcohol
The Sober Curious movement has gained significant traction in recent years, offering a fresh perspective on our relationship with...

Breaking the Stigma: Debunking Common Myths About Addiction
Addiction is a complex and often misunderstood condition that affects millions of people. At Sydney Addictions Recovery, we believe that...

Understanding Drug and Alcohol Counselling
Drug and alcohol counselling is a specialised form of therapy aimed at helping people overcome substance use addiction. At its core, this...

Article: How do I stop myself finishing a bottle of wine?
Drinking happens often for many Australians during special occasions and in their everyday lives. Amber Rules had the pleasure of sharing...
Watch our free webinar "Keeping Calm: techniques for managing difficult feelings"
The last few weeks have been difficult for many people as we collectively deal with CoViD-19 and the implications for each of us. With...

Places now available for group psychotherapy
Group psychotherapy is a great way to understand yourself better, be supported and challenged in a safe environment, and learn more about...

Group Psychotherapy for Mental Health Clinicians
Are you a counsellor, social worker, psychologist or other mental health professional who would like to learn more about group therapy?...

How Practicing Gratitude Can Help with Addictions Recovery
What is "practicing gratitude", and how is it helpful for addictions recovery? In this blog, we discuss how gratitude can help us feel...

The Stress Response: Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn
Do you ever find yourself behaving in unusual ways when you're stressed or afraid? By understanding which stress response we are...

Mindfulness and Addictions
You might have heard the word 'mindfulness' in relation to mental health and addictions recovery...but what exactly is mindfulness, and...

Setting and Maintaining Boundaries
“Boundaries” is a word you might hear a lot in recovery from an addiction - but what exactly are healthy boundaries, and why are they so...

How to talk to teens about alcohol
Lots of teenagers will experiment with drinking alcohol before they are old enough. Here are some tips for talking to a young person...

Healthy Communication: What's Your Style?
Whether you have experiences of addiction or not, communication is a vital part of mental health and successful relationships. So what's...

How To Help Someone Who May Be Experiencing an Addiction
Are you concerned about someone who is using drugs, alcohol, gambling or another potentially addictive behaviour? In this blog, I discuss...

I've Never Seen an Addictions Counsellor Before...What Should I Expect?
If you've never seen an addictions counsellor before, here's what you can expect. Counselling definitely isn't what you see in the movies...

How to Get the Most Out of Seeing an Addictions Counsellor
1. Be as honest as you can about your addiction experiences When you begin seeing a counsellor, it's like any new relationship - it can...
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